Minor adjustments

Hello All!

Eeek, just one day to go.....

Before I open the doors again I wanted to update you on a small change that I'll be making to how the shop will be run.

With two children now running/ rolling around little maldod HQ life is pretty busy and time is even more precious than ever. As you'll probably have worked out by now little maldod is an independent handmade business that is run solely by me, not withstanding the amazing love and support that I have from my husband (AKA chief label printer in hours of need!)

Almost everything  I sell is made to order and everything is carefully printed or sewn, packaged and sent to you as if I were making a gift for a friend. Because I want the same care and attention to go into each order without it being rushed out the door and into the post box, I've decided to extend the dispatch time from 5 to 7 working days. Very often I can turn things around well within this time frame but at least this gives me breathing space when life gets busy.

Personalised vests have been a best seller for little maldod and the original long sleeve vests will still be available when the shop reopens. However I'll also be stocking some shorter sleeve vests (like those below) with brand new designs which will be perfect for the summer. 

I've come up with, what I think, is rather a clever plan and will be offering a selection of each design and style at heavily discounted 'sample' prices. The only catch is that the vest or t-shirt will be photographed for the shop before winging its way to you. A win win situation don't you think? I'll post more details of this on facebook and Instagram in the next week or two so keep your eyes peeled.

Finally, the eagle eyed amongst you may notice that some products have been discontinued. This is so that I can keep things looking fresh and exciting. However if there's something that you spotted before that you'd like to order just drop me a line as I happily take commissions.  

I very much look forward to welcoming you back again tomorrow and hope you enjoy what’s to come over the next couple of weeks.

Thanks for reading.

Lowri x